Un eveniment interesant a avut loc la Muzeul Banatului din Timisoara, sâmbătă 31 iulie.
” Castelul si Cavalerii săi....din tainele Evului Mediu” , așa au denumit muzeografii , evenimentul prin care au dorit să familiarizeze pe cei interesati de subiecte apartinând istoriei si civilizatiei din perioada medievală. Programul a inclus expozitii, conferințe, interpretare de poezie medievală, recital de muzică medievală, prezentare de instrumente muzicale.

my computer automatical translates all, very funny knights having sex wit kuratoren, hot translation. you should take a photo likee the text says, hihi....
AntwortenLöschenwhat, i wrote in english, now my text is also terrible !!!
AntwortenLöschenOkay, I tell you the trouth, I am Yoda the Yedi.....
AntwortenLöschenuuuuuuuf Jörg, you drive me crazy with your google translation :)))
AntwortenLöschensooooooooo ” Castelul si Cavalerii săi...din tainele Evului Mediu” means ”The Castle and his Knigts....secrets from Middle Ages” something like that. For sure my translation is better than what you have found !
To understand something , it was about the oportunity to spend a whole day in the Museum and find out about some things, historical things about that period, the Middle Ages. Were many activities (hm, hope is corect) and one thema was about music instruments, wich one are matching very good with medieval music. In fact those kind of instruments were the basics for the music of that period of time.
Ok, that s it ! hope you get it what was about!
Ah, and to let you know how long was that day with all the programs...from 10,00 a.m till 10,00 p.m.
bye :))
ohh funny, you wrote in english, the force is with you.
AntwortenLöschenI understood everything, well written.
UUUUFFFFF, till GOOGLE decided to translate your good english text into a funny german text.
Yoda the Yedi will love it.